Gli underachiever.

Parliamo di benessere dei gifted.

Ieri ho avuto modo di scambiare due chiacchiere virtuali (vista la distanza🙂) con Chris Wells, la fondatrice, presidente e CEO del Dabrowski Center –
Ha una storia personale di consapevolezza della sua giftedness molto eloquente e significativa che condividerò presto con voi.
Nel frattempo, vi lascio questo suo pensiero tratto da uno dei suoi podcast:
“Calling a gifted student with high IQ and low motivation an “underachiever” is a loathsome term. I have been called this and quite frankly – just because I am gifted doesn’t mean I owe anyone anything related to my gifts and giftedness. Saying that is not popular among parents and educators, but I believe this whole-heartedly. When we talk about gifted student mental health – let’s focus on resilience regarding supporting relationships, not being able to define a student’s grit based on their ability to balance life and their performance.”
Chris Wells

© 2023 Gifted Italia

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